Thursday, 23 May 2013

Review: You and Me against the World

Have you ever read a book to which giving 4 stars, seems like a crime.. because you enjoyed it so much more than any other recent reads? well that’s exactly what happened with me while reading and reviewing this book. “You and Me against the world” by Raymond Esposito is “The” book for any zombie apocalypse or general End of the world genre fan.

Review by +SaNtOsH Misal
Book: You and Me against the World: The Creepers Saga Book 1
Author: Raymond Esposito

Raymond Esposito is the man with many talents; In earlier days he worked many jobs. Raymond always had an inert aptitude towards Human psychology and also the crave to create mark on the world which ultimately resulted in the story of The Creepers Saga. As in with any other book in this genre; this book also come with readers discretion tag.

Story starts with Dr thorne and his yet another day at hospital. No one realizes that this was the last day of ‘life as we knew it’. I liked the way story moved throughout the book, there were twists and turns and sudden jostling but all fueling towards central theme of the book. I also liked the way Mr. Raymond kept the core idea of zombies simple. There are few things to look forward to in this book, like How well youngsters adapt to whole scenario. The way people turn on each others.And the tension between the sexes is nice pauser between major action scenes.. Ending of the book leaves much room for next book to start which I am hoping to read soon.

Although the book name is mouthful and book-cover doesn’t help it any better, but as this one came in as an recommendation. I gave it a shot, and I am glad that I did. The language used is easy to read but sometimes there are jumps in-between the dialogues and on others it seemed like hurried through but overall It’s one of the best book in it’s genre.

So on concluding notes, (although I don't want to be side taker here) I love this book second to The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman. It’s a 4 out of 5 stars for me, and a well deserving candidate for second read.

You can buy it from amazon for $4.99 a bargain considering the content.

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Thursday, 9 May 2013

Review: Worlds Apart

by +SaNtOsH Misal

Book: Worlds Apart
Author: Luke Loaghan

As a teenager when everything (including ones body) is changing, it is really difficult to keep up with world around. Things like Admittance into High School, Issues with parents, Privacy invasion from siblings, finding true friends, possibly a high school sweetheart, acknowledgement from peers, Grades, credits, assignments, and internships are just tip of the problems that a teenager has to face... One of such teenager is our stories protagonist David.

We all know High-School. The place where for some dreams come true, whilst for others their Nightmares. In such time David was determined to be a self-made success story no matter where he attends college. He got accepted at Stanton. Stanton is like the greatest public high school in the state of New York and perhaps in the entire country but if one wanted a Stanton education one had to risk going to school in the most dangerous neighborhood in all of New York in the 1980's New York City was the murder capital of the world. Street gangs, drug dealers, robbers, muggers and other nefarious creatures were in control of the streets.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Review: Visual Medium

Book: Visual Medium (How to Create and Deliver Your Most Powerful Messages on Video)
Author: +Susan Siravo

As the Name suggests, it’s a book that will act not only as an introductory guide but also as a reference material for Video content creation. The author of the book, Susan Siravo has personal experience in the field, as she has worked as a television journalist and also has produced various educational and corporate videos. In the book Susan emphasizes the importance of Body Language and gives lots of tips which she learned while acting as a media relations officer for both public and private sector organizations.

This book is for every newbie, with no experience in front of the camera and yet who want to create interesting videos, because this book not only will teach you to create simple and effective messages but it will also help you to understand how to convey these messages to intended audiences.

Now, Few lines which caught my eyes,

“One of the most important reasons to develop your personal brand is to be able to set yourself apart and video can help you do that.” Words of an expert.

“Whether we like it or not we are impacted by what we see and hear on video” again true.

And one of my favorite one: “as technology moves forward, some of us are a little resistant to move with it. That can be okay for a period of time, but if it continues, you’re at risk of being seen as.....” go figure this out while reading the book :)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Review: Get Published Today

By +SaNtOsH Misal

Book : Get Published Today!
Author : +Penny Sansevieri 

Penny C. Sansevieri is the Founder and CEO of +Author Marketing Experts (AME) Inc., She has 5 books under her belt of authorship and she also has been recognized as best-selling author. Our book is named "Get Published Today, An insider's guide to publishing success." and that's exactly what author will be doing throughout this book. This book is for all those who ever considered to have his/her book published someday.

Book start's of with little overview of Publishing itself, with 2 beautiful lines from Don Marquis, to describe publishing better, "Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo."

Looking broadly this book is divided into 3 Major parts. First part describes Publishing and everything you ever wanted to know about publishing, this part covers topics from  knowing publishing and Best time to publish to a checklist for authors who wanna follow Self-publishing path. The Second part of the book is about making your book market ready like, determining Who's your Market.. and how to get best suited Name and cover etc.. and in the third part book talks about Marketing and how to get your book in the hands of prospective buyer. There are lot's of tips which will come in handy when you are taking your first steps in publishing industry as an author.